
2012-05-22 智冬 北京化工大學



  Abstract: Based on the problems of the common centrifugal seal for sealing gas,a structural configuration of the new-type centrifugal seal device with continuous injection and elimination of the sealing fluid is proposed,and the operating principle and feature of the seal is established.The experimental equipment of the centrifugal seal are designed and manufactured.The parameters,including the pressure of the sealing medium,the flow rate and the temperature of the sealing fluid,are measured and collected.The changing regularity of the performance parameter with the spindle speed and the injection pressure of the sealing fluid is considered.The research shows that the new type centrifugal seal is suit for the condition of gas seal at high speed.The higher the speed is,the higher sealing pressure of the medium is and the greater the heat of stirring is.The flow of the sealing fluid is increased and the heat of stirring is carried away by increasing the pressure of the injection sealing fluid.

  Keywords: centrifugal seal;gas liquid two phase flow;experimental research

  基金項目: 中央高;究蒲袠I(yè)務費項目(ZZ1010)

  離心密封是利用回轉體帶動液體旋轉使之產(chǎn)生徑向離心壓力以克服泄漏的裝置,在密封氣體時,由密封液產(chǎn)生的離心壓力形成一液體屏障以密封氣體[1]。當離心密封用于氣體密封時,主要存在兩個問題,一是當轉速降低或停車時,密封能力喪失,需考慮停車密封[2]; 二是密封液在較小的間隙下高速旋轉,會產(chǎn)生大量的攪拌熱[3],導致密封液的溫度升高甚至汽化。

  目前國內外對于密封液體用的離心密封研究較多,且主要集中在基于現(xiàn)有半經(jīng)驗公式的工程設計和改造上[4 ~ 6],但是,對用于氣體工況下的離心密封研究較少。國內僅停留在工程技術改造上,并未提出一種完整的用于密封氣體的離心密封結構[7]; 國外學者對氣體離心密封開展了一些工作[8],但僅涉及內部流場的研究,沒有考慮溫度的影響,也未能給出各個操作參數(shù)對密封性能的影響。


  新型氣體離心密封已成功應用于高轉速下密封氣體的場合,并且轉速越高,密封能力越強,但過高的轉速會導致流經(jīng)腔體的密封液流量減小,密封液溫度升高,影響密封的使用; 而通過改變密封液出口位置和增加密封液注入壓力的方式,可以起到加大密封液的流量,提高冷卻效果的作用。

  [3]Denecke J,Schramm V,Dullenkopf K,et al.Ad-vanced hydraulic seal design for high temperature envi-ronments[C].International Gas Turbine Institute.Proceedings of GT2006 ASME Turbo Expo 2006:Vol-ume 3:Heat Transfer,Parts A and B.Barcelona:A-merican Society of Mechanical Engineers,2006.1453-1462.
  [8]Young C,Chew J W.Evaluation of the volume of fluidmodeling approach for simulation of oil/air systemflows[C].International Gas Turbine Institute.Pro-ceedings of GT2005 ASME Turbo Expo 2005:Volume3:Turbo Expo 2005,Parts A and B.USA:AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers,2005:1249-1257.