
2012-11-09 武義鋒 安徽萬瑞冷電科技有限公司

DN900LN2 型低溫泵的研制

武義鋒 徐中堂

(中國電子科技集團公司第十六研究所安徽萬瑞冷電科技有限公司 合肥 230088)

  Abstract The DN900LN2 cryopump is described in this paper, which cooling capacity is provided by cryocooler and liquid-N2.This paper mostly discusses the operating principle, the structure design, the heat load compute and the specification testing.Now the cryopump has applied to environment simulation of one spaceflight research institute,and it’s every specification such as cool down time, pumping speed, pumping capacity and vacuum fully satisfy all the demands.

  Keywords Cryopump,Liquid-N2,Cryocooler,Radiation shield,Adsober array,Heat load

  摘要 介紹了一種DN900LN2 型低溫泵。該低溫泵依靠低溫制冷機和液氮同時提供冷量來進行低溫冷凝和低溫吸附,文中主要論述了其工作原理、結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計、熱負荷計算、性能測試結(jié)果等。該泵已經(jīng)應(yīng)用于環(huán)境模擬設(shè)備上了,其降溫時間、抽氣速度、抽氣容量、真空度等各項性能標完全滿足要求。

  關(guān)鍵詞 低溫泵 液氮 制冷機 冷屏 吸附陣 熱負荷